Below is a list of some of the items we most commonly donate to the community and the costs associated with each item. We provide this for transparency and to show that every dollar really does count, no donation is too small.
Each kit includes 3-5 strips
Micro-scoops $0.50
4ml pipettes $0.25
15ml testing containers $1.50
Instruction cards $0.50
Resource cards $0.50
Zippered Canvas Pouch
Box comes with 2 Naloxone nasal sprays
Clear waterproof tape $0.25
Keychain attachment $1.00
Backpack filled with supplies
(price estimated)
Food pack includes entrees, snacks, and drinks such as: sandwich, chips, fruit, canned tuna/chicken, peanut butter, crackers, water, sports drink, and many other easy to open and eat foods. utensils.
(price estimated)
Toothbrush & paste/denture case & cleaning tabs, deodorant, travel size sunscreen, wet wipes, bandages, tampons/pads, lotion, lip balm, etc.